BES/C: Flexible CNC controller for 2 to 8 axes
- マスター
カテゴリー: コントロールシステム
世代: III

Product features:
- Modular construction in a 19“ housing (extensible by axis- and I/O-modules)
- All-in-one solution (e.g. no program change for surface sensing and path calculation)
- Controlling of Sercos III-, servo- and stepping motor axes (even mixed)
- Manual control by M25-machine keyboard and/or directly at the PC
- Beside the direct path calculation, even processing of DIN 66025 commands (G-Code) is possible
By using BES/C and our software BESgrav you get controller and software from one source. So adaptions to your specific assignment are possible in a short time. The manual control could be done by our keyboard M25 or directly at the PC. Additional range of functions: controlling of tool changers, rotary axes, linear motors, portal axes and 2 Z-axes, length, surface and edge sensing, identification of fidual marks by camera (computation of scaling, rotation and displacement of the workpiece), scanning of 3D-surfaces and material irregularities (even by 3D-laser), adjustment of feed and spindle speed during the processing, repeat of programme parts without intervention on the PC, interruption of the processing and proceeding at the previous position and much more.