ControlLogix® Controller with Sercos Interface for Integrated Motion
- マスター
カテゴリー: コントロールシステム
世代: I/II

Product features:
- Supports Integrated Motion on EtherNet/IP™, integrated Sercos™ motion, and analog motion
- Supports full controller redundancy and removal and Removal Insertion Under Power (RIUP)
- Communicates via EtherNet/IP, ControlNet™, DeviceNet™, Data Highway Plus™, Remote I/O, SynchLink, and third-party process and device networks
- Lets you program using relay ladder logic, structured text, function block, and SFC languages
The Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley 5570 family of ControlLogix controllers with a Sercos interface motion module is an effective option for OEMs and end users who require both the powerful performance and functionality of the ControlLogix platform and noise-immune fiber optic-based motion control capabilities for high-axis-count machines.